Game compatibility P-Z

Policenauts (Install difficulty : Hard)

Original title: ポリスノーツ (1995) Clear

Genre: Simulation

Media: Floppy (1x) CD-ROM (x1)

HDD Installation: Supported (10MB) (Needs 2FDD and a CD-ROM drive)

FDD-only play (w/o HDD installation): Not supported

Play with: Mouse

System: DOS 5.0

CPU: PC-9821 only

GPU mode: 2.5Mhz / 5 Mhz

Screen Mode: 24Khz

RAM min: 3.6MB

Audio: FM (PC-9801-86 only) , PCM (CD-Rom, PC-9801-86 audio in)

HDD installation

- First, you need to create the boot disc.

It can be quite easy if you have all the files it needs. The best of the best is to have DOS 5.0A-H version. But it is really hard to find those discs. It took some times for me, but I managed to make it work with DOS 5.0 (Epson version for me) and somes files found on the web and also in Windows 95.

- Turn ON you PC, and boot on DOS 5.0 or 5.0A partition.

Insert the "User disk" in the FDD1. "User disk" can be any empty floppy disc. There is a sticker (ユーザーディスク) fournished with the game for this "User disk".

- Format the disk with DOS like this :

FORMAT C (letter of the disc) /s /m (enter)

If your DOS 5.0 is an EPSON version, don't forget to errase the "opening" file on the disc. It takes too much place for installing the game on the disc.

- Take the "User disk" out, and reboot your PC.


- Now we need the DOS 5.0A-H (or 5.0A update disk). You can also create it with files collecting in some place (other version of DOS, windows, etc.). You need :

- HIMEM.SYS 10.7kb

- EMM386.EXE 89.5kb

- AVSDRV.SYS 42.6kb (other version are incompatible)

- NECCD.SYS 17.7kb

- MSCDEX.EXE 25.1 kb.

When you have all, you can just copy it on a floppy disk. I will call this disk "Dos update disk".



- Reboot you PC, with the "user disk" inside. Then change to the "system disk" (システムディスク). This disk is fournished with the game. Then type :

INST (enter)

The install menu will appear.

- They ask to change the "system disk" to the "User disk" inside the FDD1. Change it, then SPACE.

- You need now to insert the "Dos update disk" inside FDD2. Then choose the letter of the disc and SPACE. SPACE again after the installation.

- Now you have to change the "Dos update disk" to the "system disk" in the FDD2. It will copy the system files of the game inside the "user disk".

SPACE, and SPACE again.

- Reboot PC with the discs inside. Insert also the CD of the game inside the CD-ROM.

The HDD install menu will appear. Select YES to install it. Select the HDD letter. Then YES again.

It will ask for Graphic install. Select YES. Then SPACE.

- After that remove the "System disk", and let the "User disk" inside. Then SPACE and SPACE again.

PC will reboot and launch the game !

Boot disk creation :

"Opening" erasing for EPSON disks :

Dos update disk :

Install :

Start the Game

Each time you want to play the game, Just ON you PC with the USER DISC inside the FDD1 and game CD inside the CD-ROM. Save files will be automaticly store in the HDD.

Popful Mail (Install difficulty : Medium)

Original title: ぽっぷるメイル (1992) Clear

Genre: A-RPG

Media: Floppy (3x)

HDD Installation: Recommended (?MB) (needs MS-DOS 2.xx or 3.xx)

FDD-only play (w/o HDD installation): Supported (needs 2 FDD)

Play with: Joypad

System: DOS 2.xx or 3.xx

CPU: i286 to Pentium (120Mhz)

GPU mode: 2.5Mhz

Screen Mode:  24Khz / 31Khz

RAM min: -

Audio: FM, BEEP sound

HDD install

In construction

Power Dolls 2 (Install difficulty : Easy)

Original title: パワードール(1994) 

Genre: T-RPG

Media: Floppy (5x)

HDD Installation: Recommended (6MB) 

FDD-only play (w/o HDD installation): Supported (needs 2 FDD)

Play with: Mouse

System: DOS 3.30 to 5.0A

CPU: i286 to Pentium (120Mhz)

GPU mode: 2.5Mhz / 5 Mhz

Screen Mode:  24Khz / 31Khz

RAM min: -

Audio: FM, MIDI (GS)

HDD install

Princess Maker (Install difficulty : Easy)

Original title: プリンセスメーカー(1991) 

Genre: SIM-RPG

Media: Floppy (7x)

HDD Installation: Recommended (?MB) 

FDD-only play (w/o HDD installation): Supported (needs 2 FDD)

Play with: Mouse, keyboard, joypad

System: DOS 2.11 to 6.2

CPU: i286 to Pentium (120Mhz)

GPU mode: 2.5Mhz / 5 Mhz

Screen Mode:  24Khz / 31Khz

RAM min: -

Audio: FM

HDD install


Princess Maker 2 (Install difficulty : Hard)

Original title: プリンセスメーカー2(1993)  Clear

Genre: SIM-RPG

Media: Floppy (12x)

HDD Installation: Recommended (13MB) 

FDD-only play (w/o HDD installation): Supported (needs 2 FDD)

Play with: Mouse, keyboard, joypad

System: DOS 3.30 to 6.2

CPU: i286 to Pentium (120Mhz)

GPU mode: 2.5Mhz / 5 Mhz

Screen Mode:  24Khz / 31Khz

RAM min: -

Audio: FM (PC-9801-26), MIDI (MT-32, GM compatible decoders)

HDD install


Rance 3 (Install difficulty : )

Original title: ランスIII(?)

Genre: ?

Media: ?

HDD Installation: ?

FDD-only play (w/o HDD installation): ?

Play with: ?

System: ?

CPU: ?

GPU mode: ?

Screen Mode:  ?

RAM min: ?

Audio: ?

Princess Minerva (Install difficulty : Easy)

Original title: プリンセス・ミネルバ(1992)

Genre: RPG

Media: Floppy (6x)

HDD Installation: Not supported

FDD-only play (w/o HDD installation):  Supported (needs 2 FDD)

Play with: Pad, Keyboard

System: ?

CPU: ?

GPU mode: ?

Screen Mode:  ?

RAM min: ?

Audio: FM, MIDI

Rance 4 (Install difficulty : )

Original title: ランスIV(1993)

Genre: ?

Media: ?

HDD Installation: ?

FDD-only play (w/o HDD installation): ?

Play with: ?

System: ?

CPU: ?

GPU mode: ?

Screen Mode:  ?

RAM min: ?

Audio: ?

Ravenloft (Install difficulty : )

Original title: (?)

Genre: ?

Media: ?

HDD Installation: ?

FDD-only play (w/o HDD installation): ?

Play with: ?

System: ?

CPU: ?

GPU mode: ?

Screen Mode:  ?

RAM min: ?

Audio: ?

Shaburi Hime (R18) (Install difficulty : )

Original title: (?)

Genre: ?

Media: ?

HDD Installation: ?

FDD-only play (w/o HDD installation): ?

Play with: ?

System: ?

CPU: ?

GPU mode: ?

Screen Mode:  ?

RAM min: ?

Audio: ?

Slayers (Install difficulty : Easy)

Original title: (1993)

Genre: RPG

Media: Floppy (6x)

HDD Installation: Yes

FDD-only play (w/o HDD installation):  Supported (needs 2 FDD)

Play with: Mouse

System: DOS 3.30 to 6.2

CPU: i286 to Pentium (120Mhz)

GPU mode: 2.5Mhz / 5 Mhz

Screen Mode:  24Khz

RAM min: 640Kb

Audio: FM compatible devices

HDD installation

Boot your computer in DOS mode.

Create a Slayers folder on the HDD :



Then copy the content of floppy disk B on this folder :

B>copy c:¥inst.exe

Then launch the install file :


The intall start. Insert all the floppy discs when the install ask you to do it.

Start the Game

Boot your computer in DOS mode.

Insert the floppy disk A in the Floppy drive disk. (Security)

launch the game from HDD :




HDD Install :

Launch :

System Shock (Install difficulty : )

Original title: (?)

Genre: ?

Media: ?

HDD Installation: ?

FDD-only play (w/o HDD installation): ?

Play with: ?

System: ?

CPU: ?

GPU mode: ?

Screen Mode:  ?

RAM min: ?

Audio: ?

Tokyo Twilight Busters (Install difficulty : )

Original title: (?)

Genre: ?

Media: ?

HDD Installation: ?

FDD-only play (w/o HDD installation): ?

Play with: ?

System: ?

CPU: ?

GPU mode: ?

Screen Mode:  ?

RAM min: ?

Audio: ?

X-girl (R18) (Install difficulty : )

Ys III (Install difficulty : )

Original title: (?)

Genre: ?

Media: ?

HDD Installation: ?

FDD-only play (w/o HDD installation): ?

Play with: ?

System: ?

CPU: ?

GPU mode: ?

Screen Mode:  ?

RAM min: ?

Audio: ?

Zavas 2 (Install difficulty : )

Original title: (?)

Genre: ?

Media: ?

HDD Installation: ?

FDD-only play (w/o HDD installation): ?

Play with: ?

System: ?

CPU: ?

GPU mode: ?

Screen Mode:  ?

RAM min: ?

Audio: ?