
What is laserdisc ?

Laserdisc and compact disc
Laserdisc and compact disc

I don't really know myself. You should look at : wikipedia

But the general idea is :

- recording an analog video on digital support. As the support is digital, you can also record analog or digital sound on the disc.

why laserdisc ?

The technology is interesting. And the result also.

If you want to see a movie like a similar copy of theater projection (but in low resolution), then laserdisc is the solution. If you want a digital restoration, clean image, no blur, artificial looking, go to the DVD/Blu-ray edition.

I started Laserdisc when I saw Starwars episode IV, V, VI the first time in Blu-ray. I thought : no, it's impossible. Starwars was not like this. After some research I found why, and how to watch the original version.

Sources for laserdisc

LDDB : the best website ever about laserdisc. The database is perfect, and the community is great!

Not on Blu-Ray : a very good website with tests of some LD players

Laserdisc archive : the best website about LD players ! All players in details.

Laserdisc plaza : good site in french. Don't know why, but french people loves LD !