K-Computer is the most powerful computer in Japan. Created by RIKEN, a technology institute in Japan. RIKEN worked in collaboration with Fujitsu, NEC and Hitachi for developing the computer. Especially, Fujitsu designed the CPUs, named SPARC64 VIIIfx.
There is a total of 88128 CPU in all the computer ! One CPU is 2Ghz, 8 core. (similar to a Xeon E5-2650).
At the right you can see a Rack. The top and bottom shelves are CPU boards. Around 100 CPUs on each Rack, 800 Racks inside the building. The big cables are watercooling system. The center parts are HDD and motherboards. You can download the Scans of technical information!
The main application of the computer is simulation. They use it in Japan to simulate damage of earthquake or typhoon. It is also used for vehicle conception : optimization of designs for increasing the speed of cars or planes, and also increase security in those designs.
It is not mentioned, but I can imagine that is is also used for atomic energy related stuff. (security, research). And maybe military or something ? Missile calculation and detection ?
If you want to visit the place, then go to Kobe Sannomiya. Take the "Port Liner" and get off at the "K-Computer" station. Then it is a 5 minutes walk to the RIKEN institute building. Enter the building, and ask the reception let you watch the K-computer exhibition. Ask for :
"K-computer no tenjikai o mitai n desuga, yoroshii desuka ?"
The guard will maybe give you the permission if you don't look too suspicious ^^ !